Are you a municipal administrator?
A village that balances its needs with those of the bears can open the door to many unexpected novelties.
Taking care of the wellbeing of bears is an act of respect and conservation, and it makes our town better and more visible. Is it possible?
Remember that every sacrifice is a gesture of respect and conservation. It makes our municipality better and more visible. Is it possible to create a village that challenges the bears’ intelligence? There is only one rule to follow: do not lure bears into your inhabited area with unattended food leftovers, fruit trees, feed, and farm animals. Is this really possible? Yes, with simple adjustments to your daily routine and by directing citizens to adopt conscious, responsible and community-friendly behaviour. Securing everything that attracts bears is the only way to prevent damage to property, to avoid risky situations for people and to avoid making bears too problematic. Bears learn from their experiences. Once they have discovered that there is food, they return to it, this means they can be easily conditioned.
It is absolutely much easier to secure food than to teach bears not to look for it. It is a very rare occurrence to be attacked by a bear in your own backyard, but why play with safety?
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