Do you run a campsite?
Whether you are outside or inside a Protected Area, with small conscious actions you can help nature stay wild and help your community coexist with bears
Whether you run a campsite with small conscious actions outside and inside a Protected Area, you can help nature to stay wild. Is it possible to camp and put the bears’ intelligence to the test? Yes, with adjustments to your daily routine and by investing in ideas and solutions. There is only one rule to follow: do not lure bears or teach them that it is possible to find food around us. Campsite managers have a responsibility to protect the safety of humans and bears. Although the probability of an attack is very low indeed, why should we play with safety?
Read this list of good practices and find the one(s) that suit you best:
For the future of the bear, every small action counts. Spread knowledge, raise awareness, make a difference.
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